Your John Deere outdoor power equipment needs fuel to operate properly. That goes without saying, but not just any old fuel will do. Ensure that you know the right type of fuel to use in your machine and when to replace it. Our experts explain how to reduce fuel system issues with your John Deere equipment.
Only buy the amount of fuel that will be used in 30 days
Fuel starts to go bad after 30 days so do not let it sit in your machine for longer than that. After 30 days, the volatile compounds in the fuel start evaporating, and this occurs whether the gas is in your outdoor power equipment or in the gas can.
As fuel sits and grows older, it evaporates and forms brown sticky deposits that eventually turn into a hard varnish. Deposits and varnish can plug fuel lines and passages in the carburetor, preventing the engine from running properly.
Use fuel stabilizer
Many of us use fuel stabilizers in our machines when we store them for the off-season to have an easier time starting them when the time comes. This is a good practice. When fuel stabilizers are added to fuel they separate and create a thin film on top of the fuel to keep out air and moisture. They also reduce the rate at which the fuel’s volatile compounds evaporate.
Try adding fuel stabilizer to your fuel the day it is purchased. This way, the fuel will stay fresh longer.
Don’t use gasoline with more than 10% ethanol
Engines produced for use in outdoor power equipment are not designed for gasoline with more than 10% ethanol. Using higher ethanol fuel blends can lead to engine damage and performance issues. Read your John Deere Equipment Manual for information on the proper fuel to use in your machine.
Use ethanol-free gasoline
Gasoline without ethanol will reduce the amount of moisture the gasoline can absorb from the atmosphere. Many areas carry ethanol-free gas.
Purchase mid-grade gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher
Standard 87 octane gasoline is perfect for small engines like the ones found on lawn mowers. However, mid-grade or premium gas with an octane rating of 89 or higher can be used for engines that require the higher octane.
Again, read your owner’s manual for information on the proper fuel to use in your John Deere outdoor power equipment.
Fuel Tips for Your John Deere Equipment