936-0272 Flat Washer Part Details:
All Known Replacement/Substituted Part Numbers for 936-0272
1036000, 1036-000, 1126, 153155, 7360272, 736-0272, 73604007, 736-04007, 7360572, 736-0572, AF154059, AF-1540-59, GW1126, GW-1126, GW7360272, GW-7360272, IH103343, IH-103343, IH103344, IH-103344, IH120396, IH-120396, IH16038R1, IH-16038-R1, IH25710R1, IH-25710-R1, IH394049R1, IH-394049-R1, IH403536R1, IH-403536-R1, IH544622R1, IH-544622-R1, IH548301R1, IH-548301-R1, IH607895R1, IH-607895-R1
Models That Use Part Number 936-0272
110-506R033, 73517 520B
132-520B033, 75526 560
126-560-033 560B
120-560B033, 72776 560B
121-560B033, 75525 560B
122-560B033, 72776 560B
128-560B033, 72776 560B
129-560B033, 72776 560B
133B560B033, 75526 586
250-586-033, 72774 596
245-596-033 596
246-596-033 596
248-596-033, 71359 596
249-596-033, 71359 604
247-604-033 604
249-604-033, 72774 608G
13AK608G033 608G
13AS608G033 609G
13AQ609G033 683
683-033 704
135-704-033 705
136-705-033 Agway
128-560B019, 82-0359 560B
129-56-B019, 82-0359 596
249-596-019, 82-3100 Bolens
11A-544L163 546I
11A-546I763 Caldor
450-122 Central Park
673 Coast to Coast
481-3879 560B
120-560B054, 481-6302 Columbia
17AJ2ACG597 RZT-42
17AJ2ACG897 RZT-50
17AF2ACP897 RZT-50
17AK2ACP597 RZT-50
17AK2ACP897 RZT-50
17BK2ACP597 RZT-54
17AF2ACK897 V569Q
12AV569Q597 V569Q
12AV569Q897 ZT-50
17AF2ACP897 ZT-54
17AF2ACK897 ZT-S42 KH
17ARCBDW897 Craftsman
065 Lawn Utility Vehicle
13A4065-099, 247.270250 065 Lawn Utility Vehicle
13B4065-099, 247.270251 2X 23"
247.886510 2X 24"
317E738E099, 247.885570 2X 26"
317E758F099, 247.885690 2X 26"
31AE758F099, 247.888510 2X 26"
31AE7C8F099, 247.888500 2X 28"
247.883963, 31AH5DTH799 2X 28"
31AE7H8G799, 247.88890 2X 28"
31AH5DTH799, 247.883963 2X 30"
31BH55TH799, 247.883960 2X 30"
31BH55TH799, 247.883961 325
13A-325-099, 247.270170 328
13A-328-099, 247.27020 344
13A-344-099, 247.27022 344
13A-344-799 561
24AA561C099, 247.794510 597F
11A-597F099, 247.370320 597F
11A-597F799, 247.370350 SB630
CMXGBAM1054544, 31AH5DTH793 SB710
CMXGBAM1054545, 31AM7BTF793 ZTL7000
17AK2ACP099, 247.25002 ZTL7000
17AK2ACS099, 247.25001 ZTL7500
17AL3AGV099, 247.25003 ZTL8000
17AF2ACK099, 247.25061 DeWalt
2X20V Max
18AEU2C2738, DCMWSP244 X548
53AL8CS6038, DXGX548P X554
53AL8CS7038, DXGX554P Duerr
241-521-003 Eversharp
111-223R205 500R
110-500R205 Grass Handler
0433, 850-0282 0433A
0433A101, 850-0282 1050B
1052B, 811-5107 586
250-586-101, 870-1260 586
870-1260, 8887 Greenbrier
110-508R382, 50663 704
704 Hardware Hank
110-508R027, 083-675 550
319-550-027 552
319-552-027 586
319-586-027 Hechinger
111-200R372, 06-229108 505R
110-505R372, 06-427512 596
246-596-372 704
136-704-372 Huskee
111-224F131, 6122 228F
111-228F131, 44-18085 560B
136B560B131, 44-9606-7 607H
13AU607H131 607H
13AV607H131 608H
13AI608H131 608H
13AJ608H131 608H
13AQ608H131 608H
13AS608H131 608H
13AZ608H131 608H
13BS608H131 609H
13AU609H131 International Harvester
21" 3314 w/Grass Catcher (#3314 w/Grass Catcher-Built 1972)
21" 3315 w/Grass Catcher (#3315 w/Grass Catcher-Built 1972)
21" 3324 w/Grass Catcher (#3324 w/Grass Catcher-Built 1973 & 1974)
21" 3325 w/Grass Catcher (#3325 w/Grass Catcher-Built 1973 & 1974)
21" 334 (#334-Built 1971)
21" 335 (#335-Built 1971)
5 8 10
5, 8, 10 Cadet 55
UUU Cadet 60
U Cadet 75
UUUU Cadet 85 Cadet 86
UUUUUUU Cadet 85 Special Cadet 87 Riding
UUU Cadet 95
U Cub 154 Lo-Boy
Cub 184 Lo-Boy
Cub 185 Lo-Boy
Cub Lo-Boy (Serial Numbers 10, 001 to 17, 200)
Cub Lo-Boy (Serial Numbers 17, 201 & Above)
Cub Lo-Boy (Serial Numbers 501 to 10, 000)
Cub Tractor (Serial Numbers 224, 705 & Above)
Farmall Cub (Serial Numbers 185, 001 to 210, 000)
Farmall Cub (Serial Numbers 210, 001 to 222, 500)
Farmall Cub (Serial Numbers 222, 501 to 224, 704)
Farmall Cub (Serial Numbers 501 to 185, 000)
,J.C. Penney Lawn Chief
136B560B022 560B
136B560B722 560B
13AB560B022 560B
13AB560B722 560B
13AC560B022 580
25A-580A022 609G
13AQ609G022 609G
13BR609G022 Lawn Hawk
110-508R111 Lawn Pro
110-506R092 Lawnflite
110-508R304 560
126-560-009 560
126-560-123 560
126-560-135, 3Z589 560
126-560-192 560
126-560-196 560
126-560-305 560
126-560-352 574
125-574-040 574
574 589F
3Z589F 596
245-596-009 596
245-596-073 596
246-596-009 596
246-596-010 596
246-596-064 596
246-596-087 596
246-596-120 596
246-596-123 596
246-596-192 596
596-122 596
596-132 704
135-704-009 704
135-704-049 704
136-704-009 704
136-704-013 704
136-704-192 704
136-704-196 704
704-132 704
704-327 705
135-705-096 714
135-714-009 714
714-132 714
714-192 Long Life
128-560B036, 47-183-00 705
135-705-036 Mark Master
110-508R065 714
135-714-065 Mastercraft
111-202R054, 481-0719 508R
110-508R054, 481-0859 520B
131-520B054, 481-1808 560B
133B560B054, 481-1857 560B
134B560B054 560B
135B560B054 Mastercut
111-200R715, 5020 200R
111-200R741, 5020J 220R
111-220R741, 6122J 224R
111-224R715, 6122 510B
132-510B002 512
251-512-033, 73661 512
251-512-062, 91499 512
251-512-102, 750323 512
251-512-105 512
251-512-304 520B
132-520B002 586
251-586-010, 586 586
251-586-033, 72774 586
251-586-120 586
251-586-129, 132-446 586
251-586-372, 06-348080 586
251-586-736, 586 601
181-512-706, 601 601
251-512-050, 601 601
251-512-098, 601 601
251-512-120, 601 601
251-512-352, 601 601
251-512-701, 601 601
251-512-702, 601 601
251-512-708, 601 601
251-512-711, 601 601
251-512-736, 601 601
601, 06-317705, 251-512-372 RZT-42
17AE2ACG059 Montgomery Ward
TMO-37049A, 110-508R088 MTD Gold
11A-549W300 608G
13AD608G300 608G
13AL608G300 RZT-42
17AC2ACG004 RZT-42
17AE2ACG004 RZT-42
17AF2ACS004 RZT-50
17AD2ACP004 RZT-50
17AF2ACP004 RZT-54
15585-7 15585
15585-8 15590
15590-7 15590
15590-8 200R
111-200R000 202R
111-202R000 202R
112-202R054, 481-0719 203R
111-203R000 204R
110204R 204R
111-204R000 205R
111-205R000 206R
111-206R000 207R
111-207R000 208R
111-208R000 209R
111-209R000 210R
111-210R000 211R
111-211R000 212R
111-212R000 213R
111-213R000 214R
111-214R000 215R
111-215R000 216R
111-216R000 217R
111-217R000 218R
111-218R000 219R
111-219R000 220R
111-220R000 221R
111-221R000 222R
111-222R000 223R
111-223R000 224R
111-224R000 225R
111-225R000 226R
111-226R000 227R
111-227R000 228R
111-228R000 340
31340-7 340
31340-8 340C
31340C 345
310345 345
311345 345
31345-9 350C
31350C 353
31353-7 353
31353-8 355
310355 355
311355 355
31355-9 380C
31380C 383
31383-7 383
31383-8 385
310385 385
311385 385
31385-9 440
310-440-000 440
311-440-000 440
316-440-000 440
317-440-000 440
318-440-000 440
319-440-000 450
310-450-000 450
310-450-134, 322-997 450
310-450-327 450
310-450-352 450
311-450-000 450
311-450-102 450
311-450-134 450
315-450-000 450
316-450-000 450
317-450-000 450
317-450-054, 481-0838 450
318-450-000 450
318-450-135, 9Z290 450
318-450-205 450
318-450-327 450
319-450-000 450
319-450-372, 06-270425 450
450-027 450
450-031 450
450-105 450
450-205 450
450-206 450
450-327 500R
110-500R000 500R
110-500R206 502R
110-502R000 506R
110-506R000 506R
110-506R059 506R
110-506R192 508R
110-508R000 508R
110-508R009 508R
110-508R014 508R
110-508R032 508R
110-508R034, 223-9010-00 508R
110-508R047 508R
110-508R102 508R
110-508R129, 485-144 508R
110-508R134, 485-144 508R
110-508R137 508R
110-508R146 508R
110-508R157 508R
110-508R170, 38277 508R
110-508R205 508R
110-508R305 508R
110-508R327 510 w/30" C Deck
132-510-000 510 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-510-000 510
131-510-000 510B
132-510B000 510B
132-510B192 511 w/30" B Deck
132-511-000 511 w/30" C Deck
132-511-000 511 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-511-000 511
131-511-000 512
131-512-000 513
131-513-000 514
131-514-000 515
131-515-000 516
131-516-000 517
131-517-000 518
131-518-000 519
131-519-000 520 w/30" C Deck
132-520-000 520 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-520-000 520
131-520-000 520B
132-520B000 520B
132-520B009, 765333 520B
132-520B027 520B
132-520B054, 481-1857 520B
132-520B130 520B
132-520B192 520B
132-520B352 521 w/30" B Deck
132-521-000 521 w/30" C Deck
132-521-000 521 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-521-000 521
131-521-000 522
131-522-000 523
131-523-000 524
131-524-000 525
131-525-000 526
131-526-000 527
131-527-000 528
131-528-000 529
131-529-000 530 w/30" C Deck
132-530-000 530 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-530-000 530
131-530-000 531 w/30" B Deck
132-531-000 531 w/30" C Deck
132-531-000 531 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-531-000 531
131-531-000 532
131-532-000 533
131-533-000 534
131-534-000 535
131-535-000 536
131-536-000 537
131-537-000 538
131-538-000 539
131-539-000 540
131-540-000 541
131-541-000 542
131-542-000 543
131-543-000 544
131-544-000 545
131-545-000 546
131-546-000 547
131-547-000 548
131-548-000 549
131-549-000 550 (5/24 SWC# 26274)
311-550-118 550 w/30" C Deck
132-550-000 550 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-550-000 550
131-550-000 550
240-550-000 550
310-550-027, 414-367 550
310-550-031, B075-109 550
310-550-050 550
310-550-054, 484-1227 550
310-550-098 550
310-550-118, 26274 550
310-550-327 550
310-550-352 550
311-550-000 550
311-550-054, 484-1227 550
311-550-122 550
311-550-352 550
315-550-000 550
316-550-000 550
317-550-000 550
317-550-054, 481-1227 550
318-550-000 550
318-550-027, 411-367 550
318-550-031, B075-109 550
318-550-095 550
318-550-135, 9Z306 550
318-550-205 550
318-550-327 550
318-550-352 550
319-550-000 550
319-550-031 550
319-550-050 550
319-550-054, 484-1227 550
319-550-092 550
319-550-098, 95-7506-9F 550
319-550-118 550
550-027 550
550-031 550
550-050 550
550-054 550
550-087 550
550-095 550
550-098 550
550-105 550
550-118 550
550-120 550
550-205 550
550-206 550
550-327 550
550-352 550
TMO-35253, 310-550-088 550
TMO-35253, 311-550-088 550S
31550S 551 w/30" B Deck
132-551-000 551 w/30" C Deck
132-551-000 551 w/32" or 38" Deck
132-551-000 551
131-551-000 552
310-552-000 552
310-552-027, 576-777 552
310-552-031, B075-174 552
310-552-054, 484-1234 552
310-552-098 552
310-552-372, 06-433957 552
317-552-000 552
317-552-054, 481-1243 552
318-552-000 552
318-552-027, 576-777 552
318-552-031, 2828-366 552
318-552-095 552
318-552-352 552
319-552-000 552
319-552-031 552
319-552-054, 484-1243 552
319-552-098, 95-7520-0F 552
552-027 552
552-054 552
552-095 552
552-105 552
552-206 560
12560-7 560
12560-8 560
126-560-000 560
127-560-000 560
127-560-034, 223-8712-00 560B (SWC#28216)
128-560B118 560B
120-560B000 560B
120-560B192 560B
120-560B205 560B
120A560B101, 850-3518 560B
121-560B000 560B
121-560B009 560B
121-560B105, 36577 560B
121-560B141 560B
121-560B192 560B
122-560B000 560B
122-560B192 560B
12560B-9 560B
128-560B000 560B
128-560B135, 3Z589-0 560B
128-560B192 560B
128-560B205 560B
128-560B206 560B
128-560B305 560B
129-560B000 560B
129-560B013, 68581 560B
129-560B055, 481-6302 560B
129-560B135, 3Z589-0 560B
133B560B000 560B
133B560B098, 93-6106-4 560B
133B560B352 560B
133B560B372, 06-330088 560B
134B560B000 560B
134B560B336 560B
135B560B000 560B
135B560B302 560B
135F560B352 560B
136B560B302 560B
136F560B352 560B
560B009 560B
560B192 560B
560B206 560B
560B305 560B
850-3518, 121-560B101 560C
12560C 561B
134B561B000 573
125-573-000 574
125-574-000 574S
12574S 580
315-580-000 580
316-580-000 585C
15585C 585S
15585S 586
240-586-000 586
250586 586
250-586-013, 93930 586
250-586-019, 823-101 586
250-586-034, 223-9014-00 586
250-586-059 586
250-586-083 586
250-586-084, 569541 586
250-586-087 586
250-586-092 586
250-586-105, 26853 586
250-586-138 586
250-586-146 586
250-586-170, 32922 586
250-586-206 586
251-586-000 586
251-586-013, 93930 586
251-586-019, 823-101 586
251-586-031, B033-256 586
251-586-034, 223-9113-00 586
251-586-045 586
251-586-046 586
251-586-059 586
251-586-062, 91592 586
251-586-084, 569541 586
251-586-092 586
251-586-102, 750315 586
251-586-105, 26853 586
251-586-111 586
251-586-134 586
251-586-141 586
251-586-192 586
251-586-331, 57058-3 586
251-586-701, 686 586
310-586-027, 356-915 586
310-586-031, B075-133 586
310-586-054 586
310-586-098 586
310-586-327 586
310-586-352 586
311-586-054, 484-1276 586
311-586-352 586
317-586-000 586
317-586-054, 481-1276 586
318-586-000 586
318-586-027, 356-915 586
318-586-031, B075-133 586
318-586-135, 9Z291 586
318-586-205 586
318-586-327 586
318-586-352 586
319-586-000 586
319-586-031 586
319-586-054, 484-1276 586
319-586-098, 95-7508-5F 586
319-586-118 586
586-027 586
586-031 586
586-046 586
586-054 586
586-098 586
586-105 586
586-120 586
586-157 586
586-205 586
586-206 586
586-327 586
586-352 586
TMO-35254, 310-586-088 586
TMO-35254, 311-586-088 586
TMO-37960 588
310-588-000 588
310-588-031, 2828-556 588
317-588-000 588
318-588-000 588
318-588-352 588
319-588-000 588
319-588-031 588
588-105 588
588-205 590
155-590-000 590
156-590-000 590
157-590-000 590
158-590-000 590C
15590C 590S
15590S 596
240-596-372, 06-010706 596
245-596-000 596
24596-7 596
24596-8 596
24596-9 596
24596C 596
24596S 596
246-596-000 596
247-596-000 596
247-596-009 596
247-596-314 596
248-596-000 596
248-596-019, 82-1040 596
248-596-034, 223-8853-00 596
248-596-192 596
248-596-314 596
248-596-372, 06-010706 596
249-596-000 596
249-596-064 596
249-596-105, 21682 596
249-596-372, 06-010706 596
596-009 596
596-064 596
596-073 596
596-087 596
596-120 596
596-141 596
596-192 596
596-372 604
24604-7 604
24604-8 604
24604-9 604
247-604-000 604
247-604-009 604
247-604-023 604
247-604-081 604
247-604-084 604
247-604-087 604
247-604-111 604
247-604-135, 3Z478 604
247-604-192 604
247-604-304 604
248-604-000 604
248-604-009 604
248-604-013 604
248-604-019, 82-3101 604
248-604-027 604
248-604-032 604
248-604-045 604
248-604-046 604
248-604-059 604
248-604-087 604
248-604-102 604
248-604-118 604
248-604-135, 3Z478-3 604
248-604-141 604
248-604-169, 32922 604
248-604-192 604
248-604-382, 50660 604
249-604-000 604
249-604-009 604
249-604-013, 93930 604
249-604-019, 82-3101 604
249-604-034, 223-8953-00 604
249-604-045 604
249-604-046 604
249-604-084 604
249-604-087 604
249-604-092 604
249-604-097 604
249-604-102 604
249-604-105, 26853 604
249-604-111 604
249-604-135, 3Z478-3 604
249-604-170, 32922 604
249-604-179, 62922 604
249-604-192 604
604-073 660
240-660-000 660
240-660-062, 95321 660
240-660-134, 322-903 660
241-660-000 660
245-660-000 660
245-660-039 660
246-660-000 660
246-660-122 660
247-660-000 660
248-660-000 660
249-660-000 660
660-031 660
660-122 660
660-362 662
242-662-000 665
240665 665
241665 665
24665-7 665
24665-8 665
24665-9 665C
24665C 665S
24665S 672
137-672-000 672
138-672-000 673
137-673-000 673
138-673-000 674
137-674-000 674
138-674-000 675
13675-7 675
137-675-000 675
138-675-000 676
137-676-000 676
138-676-000 677
137-677-000 677
138-677-000 678
137-678-000 678
138-678-000 679
137-679-000 679
138-679-000 680
137-680-000 680
138-680-000 681
137-681-000 681
138-681-000 682
137-682-000 682
137-682-009 682
138-682-000 682
682 683
137-683-000 683
138-683-000 683
683-014 684
137-684-000 684
138-684-000 685
137-685-000 685
138-685-000 686 Style
138-686-000 687
137-687-000 687
138-687-000 688
137-688-000 688
138-688-000 689
137-689-000 689
138-689-000 690
137-690-000 690
138-690-000 691
137-691-000 691
138-691-000 692
137-692-000 692
138-692-000 693
137-693-000 693
138-693-000 694
137-694-000 694
138-694-000 695
137-695-000 695
138-695-000 696
137-696-000 696
138-696-000 697
137-697-000 697
138-697-000 698
138-698-000 700
136-700-000 701
136-701-000 702
136-702-000 703
136-703-000 704
135-704-000 704
136-704-000 705
135-705-000 705
136-705-000 705C
13705C 705S
13705S 706
136-706-000 714
135-714-000 715
135-715-000 E740F
316E740F352 E740F
316E740F752 E760F
316E760F118, 590678 Murray
MZ210-42 RZT-42
17AC2ACS058 MZ2142 RZT-42
17AC2ACS058 New Englander
4259 NE-4066
248-660-058 Power Pro
2X 26" E740F
31AE740F120 588
25A-588-120 Power Streak
223-8541-00 Power Tech
110-508R314 714
714 Quality
110-506R205 Ranch King
132-520B205, 947267 560B
133B560B205 560B
134B560B205 569B
12A-569B205 704
704 Ryobi Outdoor
11A-545D034 568Q
12A-568Q034 608G
13AK608G013 Sam's Club
11A-549P118 568Q